The Death Of Privacy !

The Death Of Privacy !

do you understand the term "digital identity"?

A digital identity is info of a particular entity. Entity can represent anything like a person organization or device.

This digital identity contains some personal info which is used as authentication method to access web based application. this system of authentication is F###ED up , where any entity's very private and personal info is being used and trust on user privacy is broken.

Everyone should know how every entity's info is fed to a machine and used by organization or company for their products.

I know you might have seen social dilemma , if not please have a look. The recommendation systems are using these info from digital identity and their web history for recommending new stuff. public training from private data is causing and affecting our relationship with web.

Please get your attention towards these issues.

Even though you have your own digital identity then at least try to have control of your own digital identities.

Have you ever heard about SSI ?

Self-sovereign identity (SSI) addresses the difficulty of establishing trust in an interaction.

"the trust triangle"

Issuers : An entity that issues credentials.These are trusted government organizations that verify a piece of information and issue a credential w.r.t that information.

Holders : A holder is an entity that owns credential . this entity can create a verifiable authentication .

Verifiers : Verifiers are entities that need specific info about a holder for authentication .

The relationship between the issuers, holders, and verifiers is called the trust triangle simply because you need an element of trust among these entities for them to work together. Also, this term is typically used to convey human relationships in the digital world.

When an issuer issues a credential, the holder is willing to trust the issuer. The same applies to the verifiable presentation shared by the holder to the verifier and when the verifier verifies the issuer’s credential.

Decentralized Identifiers (DID)

An Identifier refers to a real-world identity about a particular use case or domain, which has legal and practical implications like passport number, phone number, e-mail address.

An Decentralized Identifier servers as identifier for verifiable, “self-sovereign” digital identity. DIDs are aimed to be fully under the control of the holder of the DID, independent from any centralized registry, identity provider, or certificate authority.

Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) is emerging as a solution for these apprehensions as it gives complete control and ownership of data to the individual entities as they can decide what data to share and with whom.

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